Consent Orders kit (WA)

Consent Orders kit (WA)
Get everything you need to draft your own Consent Orders and save thousands in legal fees. Save time, money and stress with this simple to use kit. This kit includes a proposed orders template with example wording.
See full description below.
What's included?
✔︎ Consent Orders Application Form 11
✔︎ Proposed Orders template
✔︎ Specific wording for Orders
✔︎ Completed examples of Orders
✔︎ Step-by-step instructions
✔︎ Affidavit for de facto couples
✔︎ Template letters, worksheets and more!
About This Kit
Use the Quick Laws Consent Orders kit to easily draft your own Family Law Court Orders. Have the Orders formalised in the Court, without the assistance of a Lawyer and save thousands in legal fees. This kit is essential to file Family Law Orders in the Court and includes templates with the specific wording that you need together with the correct form, which is NOT included in the Family Court kit for free on its website.
Working out fair and reasonable arrangements about property and children can be difficult for families during a divorce or separation. If you and your spouse or partner have reached an agreement about minor children and/or property of the relationship after a separation, then you can apply to the Court to have these arrangements formalised in a document called Consent Orders. This kit can help you to avoid family court litigation and save time, money and stress.
The updated edition includes worksheets, template letters and a checklist to help you understand your legal position, and provides the current family laws of your state.
The Consent Orders kit will help you to understand important issues during this process like:
When consent orders can and cannot be sought
Whether a de facto relationship exists
Whether you can apply for consent orders as a de facto - "gateway"requirements
How to draft property and financial orders
How to collect information about superannuation and draft splitting orders
How to draft parenting orders - covers a range of children's issues
Requirements for spousal maintenance
Relevant parts of the Family Court Act 1997 - summary and complete copy
What's in the Kit?
The Consent Orders kit includes everything that you need to apply for Consent Orders yourself, including:
Consent Orders Application kit - Easy to edit & complete - Word
Application for Consent Orders Form, together with step-by-step instructions to complete and submit the application to the Family Law Court.
Proposed Orders template - Easy to edit & complete - Word
Court accepted format with simple wording to use for financial and parenting orders. Easy to complete. Completed example of Orders included.
Also includes:
Affidavit template (including wording for de facto couples)
Affidavit Annexure
Credit card payment authority form
Application for exemption of fees form - general
Application for exemption of fees form - financial hardship
Superannuation kit
Template letters, worksheets and a checklist
* This kit applies to residents of Western Australia only. Residents of other states and territories see Consent Orders Kit
DIY Consent Orders - How does it work?
1. CLICK BUTTON: Press the download button
2. PAYMENT: Enter your personal and credit card details on a secure payment page.
3. RECEIVE YOUR KIT: Download your kit straight away!
"Extremely helpful" - Vicki
"Excellent explanation. Very helpful." - Luciano P.
"Great help" - Kathy F.
"Completing documents is so easy with Quick Laws!" - Robyn
"The court accepted the documents the first time with no issues. Thank you. It was so easy. I will definitely recommend you to all my friends!" - Ana, VIC
"Very helpful" - Rebecca S.
"Very informative" - Bill M.
Common Questions
Consent Orders are agreements made between separated or divorced couples that have been formalised by the Family or Federal Magistrate's Court. Consent orders can be used to make agreements about the care of children, for the division of property or for ongoing maintenance for a husband or wife. Consent Orders have the same legal effect as an order made after a Court hearing.
Consent Orders are final and once made, it's very difficult to overturn or vary the orders. The Court encourages families to reach an agreement about issues relating to property and minor children after a family breakdown. The Court recommends that separated or divorced couples read the brochure 'Marriage, Separation and Divorce' before applying for divorce and when seeking Consent Orders through the Courts.
The Family Courts can formalise arrangements between couples about parenting and children's issues, such as who the child(ren) is to live with or which parent will financially/emotionally support the child.
Property settlement, including division or transfer of real estate, motor vehicles, superannuation or other items of value and spousal maintenance, such as an agreement can be made to pay a lump sum or ongoing payments to one spouse.
Consent Orders are a good option because couples can apply for the Consent Orders themselves without actually having to go to
Court or obtaining legal representation. Because the agreement is formalised by the Courts, you can be assured that the Consent Order is final and binding. This is because the circumstances in which either party may apply to set aside the Consent Order or change any provisions within the Consent Order are limited.
Consent Orders and a Binding Financial Agreement (BFA) are different documents, though they may contain similar subject matter. Both contain agreements in relation to a former relationship about matters such as the division of property or ongoing care and maintenance of minor children. In some circumstances, both options may be available. With a BFA, both you and your former or future partner must obtain independent legal advice. There is no similar requirement for Consent Orders for it to be legally binding.
Yes, you can include orders about spousal maintenance. A party to a marriage is liable to maintain the other party, to the extent that the first-mentioned party is reasonably able to do so, if, and only if, that other party is unable to support herself or himself adequately.
The Quick Laws Consent Orders kits are designed for straight-forward situations, where separated or divorced couples want to transfer or sell their matrimonial home and make other financial agreements between them legally binding, without incurring the significant costs of obtaining formal legal representation. There is no specific requirement to seek formal legal advice, however, it is important that you understand the terms of the orders you are seeking. If you do not understand the terms then it's recommended that you seek formal legal advice. The Consent Orders kit is not a substitute for and should not be relied upon as legal advice.
Need Help with Your Consent Orders?
Get help from a qualified Australian Lawyer with financial and parenting orders and agreements, including superannuation agreements